Nipper competition

Competition is offered that incorporates fun and teamwork.

Events for Nippers involve swimming, board paddling, wading, running, beach flags, iron nipper and relays. Refer to the Nippers Diary for competition dates. All children who wish to compete in swim and board events must obtain their S Badge. This is normally assessed at the start of the season. There will be opportunities for re assessing throughout January if requested.

To maintain safety and lifesaving standards, Surf Life Saving Australia has a set of standards of competency that Nippers must achieve before being eligible to compete at carnivals.

  • All competing swimmers are required to complete an annual "S Badge" Proficiency test.
  • The Proficiency shall be valid until 31st of December the following year.
  • Once your child obtains their "S Badge" parents need to sew it on to the front, lower, left hand side of their child's bathers.
  • Competitors not displaying "S Badge" Proficiency patch will not be permitted to compete in water - based events at Carnivals.
  • Carnival race starters will inspect competitors at the start line to ensure they are wearing a badge.

Nippers who express interest in competition will be contacted by the Nipper Delegates - James and Ray.